Streamlining Compliance: Automatically Include Good Cause Eviction Notices

by | Oct 16, 2024

“MDS has always been a leader in the high-volume generation of complex, fully compliant lease renewal packages. The addition of an automated way of dynamically handling this critical rider keeps our clients at the forefront of efficiency.”

– Adam Friedberg, CEO
MDS Property Management Software

At MDS Property Management Software, we are committed to helping property managers stay ahead of regulatory changes and streamline their operations. In response to the recent implementation of New York State’s Good Cause Eviction law, we’ve rolled out a new feature that makes compliance effortless for our users.

As of April 2024, landlords across New York are required to attach an official Good Cause Eviction notice with many lease renewals. The notice outlines tenant protections, such as limits on rent increases and eviction rights, ensuring tenants are aware of their legal protections.

To help property managers comply with this new requirement, our system now automatically includes the official Good Cause Eviction notice whenever lease renewals are generated.


What Makes This Essential For Property Managers

Automatic Compliance: As regulations become more complex, this feature takes the guesswork out of compliance, ensuring you meet state requirements with every lease generated.

Seamless Integration: Whether you’re managing one property or hundreds, this update fits seamlessly into your existing workflow. There’s no need for manual intervention—just let our software handle it.

• Reduce Legal Risk: Missing compliance deadlines or forgetting to attach a required notice could lead to costly legal consequences. Our new feature helps you avoid such risks by automating the process.

• Stay Focused on Growth: With routine tasks automated, you can focus more on expanding your portfolio, improving tenant relations, and growing your business.


Setting Up The Good Cause Eviction Feature:

1. Configure your Preferences: We are able to completely automate this process by allowing landlords to setup which buildings and units should receive notices along with how they should be dynamically completed when renewals are generated.

2. Run your regular renewal process: Every time a renewal is generated, the Good Cause Eviction notice will be automatically included along with any other riders you have setup, resulting in a complete, fully compliant package without any manual intervention.

What Is The Good Cause Eviction Law?

The Good Cause Eviction law prevents landlords from evicting tenants without a valid reason and limits rent increases to protect tenants. It applies to most unregulated apartments in New York and includes strict guidelines for when eviction is allowed, such as non-payment of rent or lease violations. The law also mandates that tenants be notified of these rights whenever a lease is signed or renewed.

By automating this process, we help property managers maintain compliance while providing transparency and reassurance to tenants.


Learn more about how MDS Property Management Software can help you stay compliant and simplify your lease management processes.


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