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Vacancy Lease Creation & Processing System



Our Application & eLeasing solution directly integrates with your core MDS property management software and allows you to easily handle the entire leasing lifecycle from prospect to tenant. With this product you can collect applications online and feed that information all the way through the entire leasing process. From processing background and credit checks all the way through to the preparation of leases for electronic signature, this system eliminates double data entry and makes your process more efficient at every step along the way.

Key Features

Generate custom lease packages, including appropriate riders, eliminating manual preparation

Avoid duplicate data entry by moving a resident into MDS Explorer upon lease signing, saving time and eliminating transcription errors

Online Rent Payment & Account Access


The MDS Resident Portal lets you provide your residents with the highest level of service, allowing secure online access to their accounts while reducing incoming phone calls and email inquiries.

Job Costing & Project Management System

Track costs related to major construction and renovation projects quickly and easily with minimal extra steps for a complete picture of each and every job.

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