BJ Murray Peaked In The Late 1990s.

Is That The Best Place To Leave All Your Data?

Advanced features made for today’s New York market, backed by unbeatable personal service for modern day property management. Only MDS can deliver on that promise.

Here’s why now is the time to finally make the move from a BJ Murray system that’s as good as it’s ever going to be versus an MDS system that’s constantly evolving to be better, smarter and faster all the time. 

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Seamless setup

 We can convert existing data from any competitive application

One on one training

Our experienced professionals walk you through your new system

Ongoing support

Our friendly and knowledgeable technicians
speak your language

How Can You Be Sure We’ll Convert Your BJ Murray System?

Because We’ve Been Helping People Do That Since 1992.

Sure, there was a time when BJ Murray property management software was the state-of-the-art option for New York landlords. You could still get by with its functionality today if you really had to.

However, when BJ Murray stopped upgrading its system (which was a very long time ago, might we add), it left its property managers trapped in a no man’s land: Just good enough to be effective with a BJ Murray system, yet never modern enough for all the New York market is today.

Migrating And Modernizing Property Management Systems.
Nobody’s More Experienced With It Than MDS.

Are we going to tell you that converting to a new platform is easy and happens overnight? Of course not. But we will tell you that when you let MDS handle the conversion from your text-based BJ Murray software to the cutting-edge software environment we’re known for at MDS, you’ll be in the best possible hands for the job.

How so?

MDS successfully leveled up its property management system in 1999 and we never looked back, converting 100% of our DOS clients to the current version of our product. No horror stories of conversions taking over a year. No soaring costs. It just doesn’t happen on our watch during an MDS upgrade.

An Environment Made For The New York Market.
And Just As Tough.

There used to be many local property management software companies catering to the high end of the New York real estate market. But when it came time to convert to a far more modern software environment, almost all of them became obsolete and generic national providers gobbled up the ones that remained.

When the dust cleared, MDS was left standing.
And we’ve enjoyed a 95% customer retention rate ever since.

It’s for good reason too. From early on, MDS has invested in being the most technologically advanced property management software provider in this market and the most trusted name in New York to help property managers make the successful conversion to the kind of sophisticated yet user-friendly system they deserve.

We know what it means to re-write and test millions of lines of computer code. We know what a BJ Murray system looks like, inside and out. Most importantly, we don’t know what failure looks like.

Every BJ Murray conversion made at MDS has been successful.

Every. Single. One.


It’s Not Just A Platform You’re Upgrading. It’s A Partner.

We get it. You’ve got an enormous amount of historical data to protect. But keeping it trapped in software like BJ Murray with its limitations isn’t the answer. Migrating it to a modern platform with a far higher standard of technology is, while keeping you well-positioned for what’s next.

There’s no better partner to help you make that jump than MDS. We put our reputation on the line with every conversion from BJ Murray software to MDS Explorer. We’ve successfully been down this road many times before and are ready to prove that track record again with you.

Detailed tenant ledgers. Vendor payment history. You name it. It’s all waiting to be successfully converted.

If you’re starting to feel converted to MDS yourself, fill out the form to request a free demo and talk with New York’s best support team in property management software.

You’ll wonder why you didn’t do this even sooner.

Ready to learn more? Request a free demo today.

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