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Custom Report Design Services



Meet the needs of even your most exacting internal and external clients by leveraging the expertise of the MDS design team to create the precise reports your clients demand, without resorting to manual creation within Excel. As a rule, if there is a report that you are creating manually more than a single time, it likely makes sense to instead build that report into MDS Explorer.

Key Features

  • Create custom reports built to your exact specifications and avoid wasting time in Excel
  • Access your data in the specific format you prefer it to be presented in by generating custom reports, on demand in real-time, while avoiding errors made through manual preparation



Training & Consulting


Boost the performance level of your entire staff by consulting with our professional training team through live on-site visits, tailored remote training sessions or signing up for a class with MDS Academy.

Custom Data Conversions


Eliminate costly manual setup procedures when initially launching your MDS system and when you expand your portfolio after you’re already live.

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